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the mission

I am a charismatic and spiritual visionary whose talent is listening and mentoring female leaders in the field of personal development and wellness. Together, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery, energy transformation, and self-awareness through breathwork, yoga and astrology. 


the story

I grew up in Chandler, Arizona and was constantly venturing out to the spiritual center that is Sedona. I have always been connected to my spirituality, starting by reading Doreen Virtue books and getting my first oracle deck in 5th grade. 


I graduated from college December 2019, and no longer was distracted by doing homework and going to class. I had only really thought about graduating and getting my first big girl job. I actually got that job right before I even graduated. I finally had the safety and security.


With the pandemic and lockdown hitting only months later, I had even more time and space to myself. In that space, I realized that there was a lot that I needed to work through. I developed depression and anxiety during high school after my parents got divorced. 


Then I moved to Nashville. Nashville was my saving grace in high school. "Everything will be fine once I get to Nashville". But once I took the rose colored glasses and moved away from the only place I'd ever know, it was a lot harder than I thought. 


Finally, I had the space to truly listen and decide "Who am I?" and "What do I really want to do?".


I found breathwork in my many attempts to find something that would quell the anxiety that ate me up at night. I found astrology after searching "astrology podcasts" in Spotify while I was bored at work. 4 years later, these topics still peak my interest everyday and are apart of who I am.


The information and services provided by Mindful Madhouse are not intended to substitute medical advice, treatment or therapies and you must consult with a trusted healthcare provider regarding any mental or physical ailments. Results vary and are not guaranteed.

Vedic Astrology Readings are educational and are not intended as financial or medical advice, treatment or diagnosis.

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